Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
RT::IAccountAbstract class, represents risk account info from external Risk Management Service
RT::IAlertAbstract class, represents alert info from external Risk Management Service
RT::IArray< T >Simple abstraction of the accessor to the array of the elements with type T
RT::IControlTransportHelperAbstract class, provides interface to exchange data between robot and FrontEnd
RT::IDataSource< T >Abstract class, provides interface to handle technical analysis input data
RT::IExchangeAvailable ExDestination (TradingVenue) properties and features
RT::ILoggerAbstract class, defines interfaces to framework logger
RT::IMarketDataConsumerAbstract class, defines interface for market data call back retrieval
RT::IMarketDataHelperAbstract class, defines market data request interface
RT::IMDSourceStateProvides basic statistics and state info from market data source
RT::IOrderConsumerRepresenting the abstract class, which defines the order's actions callbacks interfaces
RT::IOrderHelperAbstract class, defines interfaces for order processing
RT::IPositionAbstract class, represents position info from external Risk Management Service
RT::IRiskInfoConsumerAbstract class, defines interface for RiskInfo Callbacks retrieval Robot Stategies processing risk info should implement interface's pure virtual methods
RT::IRiskInfoHelperAbstract class, defines interfaces for retrieving RiskInfo
RT::IRTRobotFactoryDefines Robotrader Factory interface
RT::IScriptExecutorHelperAbstract class, defines interfaces to run and edit the robot's scripts
RT::ITechnicalAnalysisHelperAbstract class, performs some technical analysis functions calculations
RT::ITimerHelperAbstract class, provides interface to add and delete timers
RT::OHLCRepresents bar data
RegisterProcedureInFactoryProvides a template for Robotrader Factory implementation
RT::RegisterRoboTraderInFactory< ManufacturedType >
RT::RobotHelperInterfacesProviderAbstract class, defines interface to get robot helpers interfaces of the current robot instance
RT::RoboTraderAbstract class, defines robotrader's interfaces. All robotraders implemintations must derive from it
RobotStateInfoRepresents robot instatnce state
RT::RTConnectionErrorConnection Error
RT::RTExceptionBase RT exception type
RT::RTNamedNodeMapRTNamedNodeMaps are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name
RT::RTNodeRTNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire RTAPI-to-FrontEnd Communication Model
RT::RTNodeListThe RTNodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes
RT::RTPositionRepresents position for Account/Instrument
RT::RTRobotFactoryRTRobotFactory implements generic factory pattern for RobotTrader instance creation
RT::RTRuntimeErrorApplication encountered serious error during runtime
RT::TDataSource< T >IDataSource implemintation class
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