Designing fast and reliable electronic trading software is a significant challenge facing in-house software developers. We can help application development teams to solve many of the system architecture and market place connectivity issues, so they can achieve strategic goals by focusing on their core competencies.
There is no generic solution for electronic trading business. Each company has its own unique objectives and strategies.
Do you want to build a new cross-market arbitrage trading strategy? Smart Order Router with connections to multiple trading venues? HFT trading environment? Market Making system? Complex price discovery solution based on combination of different matching algorithms and negotiation protocols? Fractional trading system? Take a look at Argo Trading Platform (ATP). ATP components can be easily customized into a robust, high performance, yet flexible solution just for YOUR business. ATP Source Code License gives your own electronic trading solution a path to grow. Argo development and support engineers accumulate decades of experience building high quality software solutions for capital markets. We are experts in FIX protocol, electronic trading workflows including order entry, management, and routing, order matching algorithms, trading venues connectivity, market data handling, risk control and management.
Save many man-years of in-house sofwtare development! Contact Argo to schedule free one hour design session today!